Monday, June 17, 2013

Packing and On The Move

After spending from Friday afternoon to Monday morning we will be on the move again. Our next stop will be Chilkoot State Park Campground. This campground has vaulted toilets and non-drinking water. A lot rougher than we have been experiencing.

While Jim and Sandy were at The Attic apartment they re-packed and cleaned my interior. This took about 4 hours. Even though they thought they were packing only the essentials three boxes of STUFF will be returned to COS by mail. This stuff includes shoes, an extra blanket, clothes and a few pots that have not been used. Their thought was if it has not been worn or used in the month it is probably not needed. Below are some things to consider if packing for a multi month trip.

Shoes - Don't bring biking shoes. Each person brings 1 pair of slip on shoes, 1 pair of hiking boots and in this case 1 pair of rain boots.

Clothing bags - 1 bag for each person

Emergency bag - this includes DR in a Bag and any items that would help if needed. Sewing kit, extension cord, bandages and medicines for headaches or colds.

When packing food keep like meals together for example: keep coffee, tea, hot chocolate and breakfast foods In same cubby.

For biking just bring bikes, helmets and Sandy's basket. Sandy's basket can hold the helmets.

PACK LIGHTLY!! Use the space available wisely.

Getting ready for some real camping,


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